Select your version:
Dashboard Bundle
Dashboard Full
Dashboard Mini
Dashboard v3
Agenda & Tasks
Program Launcher
Web Search Bar
Date & Time
WebCalendar v3
Dashboard v3
Agenda & Tasks
Program Launcher
Web Search Bar
Date & Time
Dashboard v3
(No plugins included)
$17.95 USD
$12.50 USD
$9.75 USD

Multiple Views
Using Dashboard is like having 8 different Today
pages on one device. Quickly and easily navigate
through all your most important information.
Enhanced Themes
Dashboard is fully compatible with all Today Themes available.
Additionally, using Dashboard Themes brings enhanced functionality
such as the ability to have separate images for different times
of the day and switch them automatically! Create your own Themes
with our free Theme Creator.
Basic Functionality Included
The full version of Dashboard comes complete with the following plugins:
Use our plugins or use your own!
Use Your Existing Today Plugins*
Dashboard was not designed to replace or compete
with existing Today plugins. Sure, we provide our
own functionality for basic needs but that shouldn't
limit you. We now offer a Mini version without any
extra plugins for people who already have what they want.
.NET Support
Dashboard allows programs written in .NET to be made
available direcly on the Today page of your device.
Now you don't need to learn C++ to write a Today plugin!
Full documentation on each plugin is available on our
Dashboard Manuals Page
All Products are built for Windows Mobile Pocket PC (and Pocket PC Phone) devices (not compatible with SmartPhone)
SnoopSoft Dashboard works with all Windows Mobile Professional 2003 devices and higher.
As of SnoopSoft Dashboard version 2 - Windows CE 2.11 devices will no longer be supported. Version 3 drops support for any Pocket PC OS prior to 2003.
* Dashboard has taken every precaution to properly mimic the Today page when hosting today plugins.
However, because Microsoft can (and does) change the interaction of the Today page, some Today plugins may not work properly with Dashboard.
Because individual programmers decide how to interact with the Today page, they can code their plugins in such a way
that they will never function properly inside Dashboard.
Most Today plugins will work fine in Dashboard and many users are using various today plugins within the program without any issues at all.
If you find a Today plugin that does not work or exhibits odd behavior, please let us know and also notify the developer of
the plugin so that they can test it with Dashboard as well.
We readily supply versions of Dashboard to Today plugin developers for testing.