Charm Downloads

Extra Charms are available from this page for now. Feel free to send your suggestions, favorites or ones you create to: newreleaseATsnoopsoftDOTcom and we'll include them here.

To Install: Click on the image to download a zip file containing the images. Copy the images inside the zip file to the charms install folder (typically /program files/charms/charms/).

Christian themed set of charms.


We found these free icons on the web. They were so nicely designed and had a public use license that I created Charm files for them. The original author is credited below per the public use license requirements:
Please give credits to TurboMilk in case of public use. We sincerely hope that these icons will make you happy and nobody get hurt.


US Flag Charm. Comes with both small and large Charms. The small charm was created from the FamFamFlags icon set.